Beginners Guide to Placing Sports Bets

If you’ve never placed a sports bet before, you will more than likely have heard of people talking about it. Millions around the world participate across a number of different sports on a daily basis.

The betting industry is one of the biggest in the world and is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

It isn’t difficult to place bets, providing you follow the simple steps and don’t try to get ahead of yourself at the start. By taking small steps first, you will create the foundations of your betting and give yourself something to build on in the future.

If you are looking to begin your sports betting career then here are three tips to follow which will get you started on the right path and ensure the basics are completed correctly.

Find the Best Bookmaker for Your Style

Choosing your bookmaker is an important part of the process, and something you will have to do right away as a newcomer.

You may think that you don’t have a style yet as a new punter, but you will have an idea of what you are going to do. For example, what sport are you going to bet on, what markets will you use and how will you place your bets.

Bookmakers offer different services, some are good at one thing, while others are good at something else.

Ranking lists such as those available at offer a great helping hand to new punters, showing them how bookmakers compare to each other.

Which one you choose from the list will be down to your personal preferences and needs, but the list shows you where to start and gives pointers about each one.

Don’t take choosing a bookmaker lightly, this is a big decision early in your betting life.

Stick to Simple Betting Markets

Extravagant bets such as trying to name the correct score and first goal scorer on a Premier League game are difficult to get right.

Rather than trying these, stick to simple markets until you get your confidence up and your betting on the right path.

There is a time and a place for using more complicated wagers, either for added fun or to give yourself a bigger price about a selection.

Rather than these bets, simple wagers on who will win the game, regardless of the sport, are the best way to build confidence.

As you move forward and have this with you, then you can begin to experiment with how you bet.

The first steps are all about simplicity though, keep these simple and you will reap the rewards of that time at a later date.

Do not Try to go for the Big Win Early

This is one of the biggest mistakes made by new punters. You must avoid this at all costs.

Betting should always be treated as a long term game, with goals attached based on that. You shouldn’t be looking for a quick, big win as the chances are that you will fail in this.

Rather than seeing four and five figure sums on offer for huge accumulator bets on sports like the Six Nations, look at smaller win options and try to rack up a sequence of them. You have more chance of winning small amounts on a regular basis than one lump sum from the bookmakers.

When you start being too ambitious with your bets, the odds turn in the favour of the bookmakers. Avoid this, and follow our three steps to success to get your sports betting off to the best possible start, and then build on this to take it to the next level.

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