Skin Deep backs Vikings new boy

Setaimata Sa’s player sponsor for 2016, Skin Deep Aesthetics, is the Community Sponsor for the Festive Derby against Warrington Wolves on Sunday (3pm kick-off).

Skin Deep Aesthetics is based on Chester Road in Warrington, also offering home visits, and is run by lifelong Widnes supporter Anne-Marie Hughes.

Sa, a close season signing from Hull, took time out from his pre-season training schedule to visit the Aesthetics Clinic to rubber stamp the sponsorship, which also sees Skin Deep Aesthetics logo appear on the Vikings playing kit in 2016.

Anne-Marie said: “I’m extremely proud and excited to become a Vikings sponsor. Born in Widnes, I’ve always followed Widnes RLFC as much as possible.

“I followed the team when l was younger with my father (who did play a few matches for Widnes in his time) and since returning to the area after Army service I have been able to support the Vikings fully again, becoming an avid supporter.

“Having opened my very own, bespoke aesthetics clinic just over a year ago, I am now in a position to be able to sponsor Setaimata Sa next season, a prospect that I’m very excited about.

“I have been a nurse for over 25 years and am now an advanced aesthetics practitioner and independent prescriber. We offer a wide range of treatments including wrinkle smoothing injections, facial, lip and cheek volumisation, chemical face peels, permanent hair reduction, holistic and sports massage, reflexology, reiki and wart/mole removal.”

“For Stronghold members a 15% discount will be given on top of our already very competitive prices. Celebrity treatments without the celebrity price tags.”

For more information, visit

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