Corey Thompson’s mum joins the Stronghold

As Corey Thompson prepares to fly over to the UK this week, his family have all been asking how they can pledge their support and join the Viking Stronghold.

The 25-year-old, who joins from Canterbury Bulldogs on a two-year deal, has been saying his goodbyes Down Under and is due to arrive on Thursday.

We spoke to his mum, Kylie Elms, from Brisbane. She said: “We’re extremely proud of him. He doesn’t show a lot of emotion, I think he’s trying to keep me calm!

“Once we found out he was going to Widnes we were straight on to the club website and Facebook to find out all the information we could.

“We wanted to become Members. Wherever Corey has played, we’ve all been full members. I think you need to as a parent, you need to support your child.

“We’ve got lots of family and friends out here who want to support the team and the boys.”

The Vikings have been trailblazers with the Stronghold Membership in Super League, but it is commonplace in the NRL. Last season, Kylie and her family were Queensland Members with the Bulldogs, giving them discount on merchandise, SMS messages direct from the club and exclusive members newsletters.

Kylie added: “I know for a fact we’ve got quite a few people, maybe even hundreds, who would sign up to be a Member.

“We are more than happy to promote the Vikings over here. It’s all about feeling involved.

“We can’t just jump on a plane for a game, so it’s about showing support and respect. You’ve got to support the club right from the bottom up to the CEO.

“It doesn’t matter where your child, your cousin or your friend plays, everyone wants to back your team.”

Kylie is hoping to see Thompson in the Blacker, Whiter, Stronger kit in the flesh at some point next year.

“I work for Education Queensland and I’ve applied for long service. I was hoping to get over for Corey’s birthday in May, but it’ll more than likely be July or August.

“Everything happened so fast and my passport had expired! So I had to get that all sorted.”

A new 2016 Blacker, Whiter, Stronger kit is already on its way Down Under for Kylie to cheer on her son ahead of the new season.

A General Viking Stronghold Membership, priced at £50, gives you 10% off merchandise, the Viking Stronghold Membership pack and discounted match tickets plus SMS notifications and exclusive Member newsletters from the Club.

To enquire or sign-up for a 2016 Membership, call 0151 495 2250, visit the Vikings Superstore or click here for more information.

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