Freelancing for the future talk at UCLan

JDG Media MD James Gordon returned to his old university recently to give a talk to third year journalism students on running your own business.

James graduated from the University of Central Lancashire in 2009 with a degree in Journalism, landing a job at leading digital agency Fast Web Media before setting up JDG Media in October 2010.

In truth, the foundations for the business were laid during James’ studies, when he ran the Love Rugby League website (then Last Tackle) in his spare time, as well as offering services to clubs and contacts.

He was invited back by UCLan Sports Journalism course leader Charlie Lambert for their “Freelancing for the Future” day.

James said: “It was great to return to Preston and UCLan in particular. I enjoyed my three years there, and it was good to catch up with some old familiar faces, as well as being able to reflect on the path I have taken since then, and hopefully the advice and knowledge I was able to pass on to the students will hold them in good stead.”

Discussions included how freelancers could utilise their knowledge and contacts to develop their own business, potentially creating jobs for others, following a similar path to the one forged by James and JDG Media.

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