Heading to UCLan’s cJAM in November

JDG will once again be represented at the cJAM: Journalism showcase event at UCLan.

James Gordon, a UCLan Alumni, will take part as an industry guest at the event to give students the opportunity to meet people and for those in the industry to meet the talent of the future.

The event includes a networking breakfast, guest speaks, an industry panel Q&A, networking lunch, speed pitching and awarding of placements.

“In previous years, I have met several high calibre students, some of which we’ve had come and have placements with us in the JDG office on our array of projects.

“I’m still in touch with a few of the students, some of which we didn’t have on placement, but have gone on to forge decent early careers for themselves in the sports industry.

“I love going back to UCLan, from where I graduated in 2009, and it would be fantastic to meet someone else that we can nurture in to a career in sports journalism.

“Our most recent recruit, Drew, who works on the Love Rugby League website, graduated from UCLan just over 12 months ago.”

The event takes place on Friday November 2.

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