Joe Mellor and Jamie Carragher open school sensory room

Vikings vice-captain Joe Mellor joined Liverpool football legend Jamie Carragher at the opening of a new Sensory Room at Northwood Community Primary School in Kirkby.

The new room has been funded by a partner of the Vikings, children’s charity of rugby Wooden Spoon – who contributed £15,000 to make the facility happen.

Staff, students, parent and carers attended a special event to mark the opening of the new room, and were joined by representatives of the Vikings to look on as Mellor and Carragher cut the ribbon to the new room.

School Headmaster, Paul Hollywood, said: “This is a superb facility with something that will keep everyone’s senses buzzing. From infinity tunnels to projectors, to smell-o-vision the equipment will help us meet the diverse needs of our pupils across the school, both in the DSP unit and in mainstream. Demand from teachers is very high and one of our most difficult tasks now is working out how to fit everybody in!”

During the visit, school PE teachers enquired about bringing rugby league to the school and plans are now in place to make this happen.

Richard Munson, Vikings Community Integrated Director, said: “Our community work stretches beyond the boundaries of Halton, and it is fantastic to have rugby league welcomed with such enthusiasm in Liverpool.

“We were delighted to be invited to help open the fantastic Sensory Room at Northwood Community Primary School, and it is another superb contribution to the community from Wooden Spoon, who we look forward to working with on other projects in the near future.”

Wooden Spoon is the UK’s leading grant-making charity dedicated to helping disadvantaged and disabled children and young people through rugby.

Inspired by its rugby heritage, Wooden Spoon has been able to help more than a million children and young people through its life-changing projects since it was founded in 1983.

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