Tony pleased with youngsters

Mersey Tigers coach Tony Garbelotto was pleased with the performance of his younger players in Sunday’s 92-68 victory over Essex Pirates.

After admitting his disappointment in Friday’s reverse at the hands of Plymouth Raiders, Garbelotto was once again unhappy with the side’s overall performance, but pointed to the court time given to Max Casanove in particular as a positive.

He said: “We struggled killing off the team, we’re just not very good at doing that at the moment.

“We got some good effort from the younger guys and slowly throughout the game our effort got better, but we’re just not playing like we did in practice last week.”

Youngster Nathaniel Atkins appeared in the final quarter for his first appearance in Tigers colours while Sam Bogucki claimed his first basket in the BBL.

Garbelotto added: “Max, Sam and Nathaniel have all contributed really well in practice and they deserve to eventually get on the court. They haven’t had many opportunities to play because all our games lately have been massive games, and we haven’t been winning comfortably enough.

“But the young guys deserved to get on the court and they did well.”

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