Who’d be a manager?

I was first caught the managerial bug with Championship Manager 2000/01, which came free when my dad entered the Daily Telegraph Fantasy Football.

Boy did that game serve me well. My fondest memory was that of taking Rushden & Diamonds from the Conference to the then Division One, winning the League Cup while in Division Two. I also remember building a team of galacticos at Rangers, and losing the UEFA Cup and Champions League finals in successive years.

As I’ve got older, technology has moved on, the game’s have become even more in depth and more appreciation for the intricacies of football have increased. And thus, manager games have become an even greater addiction.

I followed Sports Interactive to their Football Manager series, and have owned every game they’ve brought out – 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. There have been some fantastic highs and lows on all games, and, together with FIFA 09, virtually got me through my years at university.

However, my main passion remains as rugby league. And that is why I was delighted when I discovered a new freeware Rugby League Manager game, undoubtedly based on the successful Football Manager series.

It plays very well, and for a free game, is very good indeed. I’m continuing to get my head round some aspects, and it is sometimes frustrating not to have more control over the tactics, but it’s a well built game and one that rugby league has been crying out for.

Together with that, International Cricket Captain 2009 arrived as a birthday gift last week, so I’ll have to get that loaded up.

And if that wasn’t enough, I’ve still got Eastside Hockey Manager and Pro Rugby Manager sat on my game shelf.

Who’d be a manager? I would.

PS: When I get a bit more free time, I’ll be writing some reviews on various new games, such as Rugby League Manager (PC) and Ashes Cricket 2009 (PS3)

2 thoughts to “Who’d be a manager?”

  1. Thank you James for this Rugby League PC Game reference and introduction. I agree with you entirely. Rugby League has been starved of reasonable quality interactive games in the past and this one seems to make a refreshing change. I played something earlier that a lot denounced as "no good". But with such interactive games, the gamer should realize that they are at the steering wheel and can rapidly become the arbiters of their own doom by neglect or odd decisions. This one looks sophisticated so I am keen to get playing it.

    Kind regards,

    Simon Kingston

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