Crosfields 1-6 Moorfields

After the performance of last week Crosfields will feel disappointed they didn’t do better. A few uncharacteristic mistakes from Crosfields ‘keeper Hitchen gave Moorfield the perfect start. Hitchen wasn’t to blame though. Crosfields showed the same spirit and determination but they didn’t attack as well as last week. They had glimpses of the Moorfield goal in the first half but hardly any in the second.

Nick Hamblett scored for Crosfields after Mark Sherlock’s shot had been saved and he tucked in the rebounds from two yards. Crosfields day worsened when they lost defender Daniel French to a hamstring injury late on reducing them to ten men as they had used all of their substitutions. Second place Moorfields overpowered Crosfields eventually. The final score 6-1. Crosfields can now look ahead to matches against the teams just above them.

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