Fife 11-5 Crosfields

Crosfields were embarrassingly beaten by nearest rivals Fife despite a slight comeback in the second half.

In the first half Crosfields were terrible. They defended awfully and Fife scored after just thirteen seconds. It was 5-0 after ten minutes and it seemed like another battering for Crosfields. They went in at half time with the score reading 8-1/ Anoush Mahmoudzadeh scored for Crosfields in the first half with a beautiful chip over the Fife goalkeeper.

In the second half Crosfields took control of the game but they could never pull it back. It took a lit of spirit for them to have the attitude and the effort to attempt to come back. It was a shame they couldn’t have done it in the first half. Craig Anthony scored two goals for Crosfields as his pace was too much to handle for the Fife defenders, Anoush grabbed another one and Mark Sherlock scored a solo goal. Crosfields will finish bottom of the table no matter what now, so they will have to start looking forward to next season. A disappointing first half led to this result, Fife 11, Crosfields 5.

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