Moorfields 11-1 Crosfields

Crosfields returned to league action this week after three weeks away due to postponements and cup commitments but nothing changed to the Crosfields form. Another loss sees them near the bottom of the table with no points.

Depending on Peel Hall’s result today Crosfields could slip to the bottom of the table. Crosfields battled well on a windy and cold Sunday afternoon and were unlucky to get beat by that many. With no subs the eleven that played came off very tired and downhearted after yet another loss. Maybe the stronger physical presence of the opposition put Crosfields down although most of the Crosfields team were playing out of position. Usual left-winger James Gordon played left back with first choice goalkeeper Stuart Hitchen playing at the back. Centre halves Josh Hill and Matt Chapman played in the centre of midfield, which forced little Nick Hamblett out wide left.

Greg also made his debut for Crosfields in goal. The score shouldn’t have been as many as a few of Moorfield’s goals looked offside. Crosfields should take a lot from this game and lets hope they play at home next week. If they do it will be just their second game at home all season. Their dismal away record continued though as they lost yet again this time 11-1 to a third place side in the shape of Moorfields.

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