Winwick 3-0 Crosfields

Crosfields started the new year excellently despite a defeat at the hands of Winwick. In the first half Crosfields dominated possession but a lack of shots on goal meant they didn’t score.

Unfortunately though they did concede goals. The first was cruel as it hit a divot and bounced over Crosfields ‘keeper Stuart Hitchen to put Winwick one ahead. They grabbed two more lucky goals before half time with counter attacks after Winwick were pegged back by some good passing by Crosfields.

In the second half, Crosfields battled and led by inspirational captain Mark Sherlock they pressed Winwick back for most of the second half. On occasional breaks from the home side Crosfields three centre back, Daniel French, Greg Murray and Matt Chapman, made timely interceptions to get Crosfields back on the attack. They had a couple of shots with Sherlock hitting one just wide from the edge of the box. They couldn’t pull back the three-nil deficit though and they fell to league defeat number seven. If they play like this more often Crosfields will soon be picking up points and will lift themselves from twelfth place in the league table. Final score is Winwick 3, Crosfields 0.

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