Crosfields 1-6 Eagle

Crosfields lost for the tenth game in a row despite playing only their second game at home this season. There were a few high points but also low points for Crosfields who improved as the match went on.

In the first half Crosfields only chances fell to Josh Grimward and Craig Anthony who partnered each other up front for the first time this season. Anthony was unlucky when the keeper blocked his left foot shot when he was through on goal. Grimward couldn’t find room for a shot when in a good position and the chance went begging. Some good defending and good goalkeeping by Crosfields keeper Stuart Hitchen meant the score red Eagle 4, Crosfields 0 at half time.

In the second half Hitchen brought down Eagle striker Lee Chadwick and conceded a penalty which he saved. Hitchen pulled off some more valuable saves and that inspired Crosfields to pull a goal back. A rare goal from Liam Williams, who come on as a second half substitute, made the score 4-1 but Eagle still managed to score two more later on in the game. A few Eagle shots were cleared off the line by defenders James Gordon and Daniel French and by goalkeeper Hitchen. Crosfields played well yet again but their first points of the season still elude them.

Their next game is against league leaders Kingsley away in Frodsham. The score last time was 11-0 to Kingsley but can Crosfields do better? On recent performances they can definitely do better. They got beat today though, the final Crosfields 1, Eagle 6.

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