Club Idol winner revealed at Old Trafford

Langworthy Reds were presented as the winner of the Love Rugby League Club Idol competition at Old Trafford ahead of the Super League Grand Final.

Club Idol, run in conjunction with the Engage Your Club programme, profiled a number of shortlisted clubs and the work they had done on improving their facilities through the programme, backed by Engage Mutual Assurance.

It was then opened up to a vote, where visitors to the website could vote for which club they thought was most worthy of the £1,000 cash prize.

Langworthy came out on top, and were presented with the cheque by Love Rugby League editor and Sportbox MD James Gordon at the RFL Community Awards, held in the Captain’s Lounge at Old Trafford on the day of the Super League Grand Final.

To view the Club Idol page, visit:

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