Crosfields 0-11 Alder

Crosfields started well creating a few chances early on. A Grimward corner fell to Gordon at the gar post who fired just over.

Crosfields were beginning to pass the ball about and break down the Athletic defence when new captain Greg Murray got injured. He was substituted and it left a big gap in the midfield as replacement McLean did nothing and may as well have stayed at home in the warmth. Alder took the lead midway through the first half and slowly took control of the game, the Crosfields defence caught the wrong side of the attackers. Despite having only nine and eventually ten men, Alder battled and played well making up for player disadvantages. They got away with some nasty fouls though. Lee Chapman the referee failing to spot shirt pulling, pushing and some bad fouls especially in the first half.

In the second half Crosfields lost the plot completely. Two-nil down at half time went to eleven-nil at full time as yet again their heads dropped at vital points in the game. The defeats are getting annoying and are seriously damaging confidence within the squad. Crosfields manager Chris Kirby was missing for this game, probably trying to get away from the poor results, and he was dearly missed. Crosfields never stood a chance in the second half after a poor opening to it and due to lack of defensive support from the midfield players Crosfields were outnumbered to many times at the back and this cost them lots of goals and a lot of confidence. Crosfields will have to win a game soon otherwise their confidence will hit rock bottom like the team. Final score at Hood Manor Rec. was Crosfields 0, Alder Athletic 11.

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