
It started on work placement…

If someone says to you work placements are pointless, tell them they’re wrong. Essentially, three days work experience has shaped my life. I was an ambitious 17-year-old A-level student when I first came across, and spent a thoroughly enjoyable few days working for them. Besides a fortnights placement at my dad’s place of work […]

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Fife 11-5 Crosfields

Crosfields were embarrassingly beaten by nearest rivals Fife despite a slight comeback in the second half. In the first half Crosfields were terrible. They defended awfully and Fife scored after just thirteen seconds. It was 5-0 after ten minutes and it seemed like another battering for Crosfields. They went in at half time with the […]

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Crosfields 1-6 Moorfields

After the performance of last week Crosfields will feel disappointed they didn’t do better. A few uncharacteristic mistakes from Crosfields ‘keeper Hitchen gave Moorfield the perfect start. Hitchen wasn’t to blame though. Crosfields showed the same spirit and determination but they didn’t attack as well as last week. They had glimpses of the Moorfield goal […]

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