Looking back, a snowy Tuesday night in February proved to be a signal that 2020 wasn’t going to be a normal year.
James Gordon
The battle with yourself
For the past 20 years of my life, every week has been built around watching my rugby team.
Covering sport in lockdown
The latest lockdown period has put a halt to fans attending sports events – little over a month after a series of pilot events were abandoned due to the rising infection rate.
Who are we betting on being the best player at Euro 2021?
We may have to wait an extra year to enjoy what would have been Euro 2020, but that just gives football fans more time to indulge in their second favourite pastime, making fruitless predictions.
The current status of professional sports in the UK
The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown has hit sport hard – I take a look at how different sports in the UK are dealing with the issue and where they’re at in terms of restarting.
Website re-launched
Welcome to my re-launched website. Here’s what it includes.
Commentary for Widnes TV
I was delighted to be asked recently to take up the role as lead commentator for Widnes Vikings TV.
Being right is more important than being first
The desire to be the first should go out the window with sensitive stories.